
Summer Tata vs The Calendar

Never look at a calendar before you go to bed. I did this last night around 11 and to my sad surprise realized I start summer school in a week, just as I was slipping into the silly skin of lazy summer days. Daniel calls this content, relaxed woman Summer Tata**. Last night in the kitchen, as we were making a late evening supper, dancing and laughing the hours away, he exclaimed "I like Summer Tata!" It made me think. Is Work Tata a different soul? Is she bad? Is she good? Is she stressed? Is her stress justified? Where does Summer Tata disappear to from late August to early June every year?

Ahh... the questions....

I'm learning... Work Tata is neither good nor bad. She has existed. Her stress is legitimate but so many times her work ethic is the unneeded cause of this anxiety. Her job is stressful. She teaches students with mild to severe educational and emotional disabilities that require routine, structure and consistency. Many parents of her students provide little reinforcement so she is constantly playing the role of teacher, parent, aunt or even friend. It is hard to leave stress at work, knowing that some of her students return home to a bed on the floor, 8 hours of mind-numbing TV and a bowl of condensed tomato soup if they're lucky. But... this is even more reason for my students and colleagues to get a glimpse of Summer Tata the duration of a long school year.

As I approach classes this summer, I will integrate Summer Tata in my interactions at work and play. Work Tata may raise her observant eyes from time to time, but that's okay... the balance of the two is essential for both job security and sanity!

Summer school can't be all that bad anyways...
according to the calendar, it's only from 8am-12pm...
oh........ it also said today is the first day of summer.....

**Tata is an endearing name my beautiful nieces and nephews
have chosen for me, inspired by SuisseFam... and it's stuck...
now my husband playfully calls me
from time to time.**


smiles, Sharon said...

A well written essay based on very poignant facts. I love both Tatas.(Unfortunately you have a bit of the "real" dna in you.) Your resolve is brilliant...let summer Tata shine the brightest of the stars, and let those far off planets, just keep a distant eye on things. Your students will be delightfully excited for their summer school experience, with Summer Tata leading the way.

Anonymous said...

I'm soooo happy that you have a blog. It's about time! I'll read it often. Promise!

Ginger n Matt said...

"Summer Tata" has such a great visual connotation to it, and I hope / know you will be able to make summer school fun and breezy. I applaud you for your introspection and openness about the differences in self but have to say that I think even though it might be harder to notice all the positive qualities of "work Tata" they are surely there, because they make such an amazing difference in the lives of your students. Of course letting Summer Tata free now and again, could only enhance the stellar contributions you make.

Chelle said...

I can't wait to see more posts to come. I found you on the Salmon Hanson blog. Looks like life is good, and we are close enough it would be great to plan a trip to meet up.

Mariko said...

Hi Ashley-- So funny that we should meet up in the blog world. It makes the world seem more legitimate in some ways. I'll be glad to catch up on your life! Looks like you've been having fun. You can find my own blog by linking through my name.

Mariko said...

Oh yeah-- It's the Jacksonesque one.